Déambulation narrative


Déambulation narrative, 2023

Lecture, wandering and observation exercises
From the Maladière kiosk to the Bon-Abri lime tree
Equipment: A6 Riso print cards, pens, earphones
Duration: approx. 60’

Déambulation narrative is an artistic device inspired by three books: "Tentative d'épuisement d'un lieu parisien" by Georges Perec, "Pour une écologie de l'attention" by Yves Citton and "Exercices d'observation" by Nicolas Nova.

I invited the public to experiment with different sensory perceptions of the environment, involving the body, attention, listening, seeing, hearing and proprioception, in the form of a walk along a given route in the city of Lausanne. From the kiosk of La Maladière to the lime tree of Bon-Abri, the route was interspersed with contextualised readings and invitations for active participation, in particular through writing.

The underlying aim of this production is to question our modes of perception, our relationship with the living, with beings, with things, because, as Bruno Latour says, "we only see what we have learned to see".

The peculiarity of this device is that it can be replayed while being re-contextualised.

Quand la nature fait le mur...
Sauvageons en ville, Lausanne
theoretical introduction: Florence Ineichen, historienne de l’art
Performer: Emanuelle Klaefiger
July 2, 2022, 18h.


Déambulation narrative, Sauvageons en ville, Lausanne (CH) 2022
Photos: © Pascal Oulevay